eva bikes away
eva bikes away

Day 9- Headwind, heat and hick ups

Pubblicato: 04.08.2022

From Camargue to Beaumettes

- despite having a newly, perfectly paved cycle path and two nice little chats with friendly fellow cyclists on the way, this day was somehow not exactly the most enjoyable one so far; guess I got way too used to wonderful company on trips like this and felt a bit lost; the heat, headwind and hick ups bothering me all day didn't exactly help, also having trouble finding a next potential WS host and still being short on battery stressed me a little bit - but that's also part of the adventure and I'd like to think of it as 'growing pain' ;)

Distance cycled: 100km (approx)

Weather: 37 degrees and wind (mainly from the front...)

Risposta (1)

Sounds fuuuuun

Rapporti di viaggio Francia