
Hello Great Ocean Road!

Pubblicato: 02.10.2017

Today was an exciting day. After breakfast, we took a taxi to Safety Beach to visit Ursel and Hans. They are acquaintances who lived in Dresden in the 1950s and then emigrated to Australia via Colombia. Both of them are over 90 years old, so there won't be many more opportunities for a visit. We had a very good conversation over a cup of coffee. Then we picked up our rental car at the airport and started our journey towards the Great Ocean Road. At first, we drove very cautiously - driving on the left and using an automatic car takes some getting used to! Of course, the windshield wipers turned on when we signaled and an attempt to shift gears caused a lot of amusement. The drive along the coast is impressive and beautiful! The power of the ocean, the waves, the spray, and the wind - indescribable. Unfortunately, we're making slow progress. The road is very windy and full of viewpoints. So we stopped in Lorne at a beautiful old hotel where we got a room with an ocean view. There, we ended the evening with a glass of wine, the sound of the sea, and the screeching of cockatoos.
