03.08 Steinfjord - Nordmela 103km

Հրատարակվել է: 04.08.2020

In the morning around 8:30, it was very difficult to get out of the tent, I hadn't slept properly. After packing everything together, still without routine, I decided to have my breakfast on the road. 2 bananas and a Cliffbar. The whole nature was impressive from the first meters, so big and indescribable in the sunlight. A total work of art. The typical route on Senja is to drive along one side of a fjord, where the road slightly rises into a tunnel, which then leads through the mountain massif into the next fjord. The tunnels are narrow, but the cyclists have been taken into account. When entering, you can activate a blinking light by pressing a button, which signals to the car drivers on both sides that cyclists are in the tunnel. In addition, there are boxes with reflective vests at the entrance and exit, which you can put on and then put back in the box on the other side. Clever, these Norwegians. Early in the day, I met Röne again, and we just continued riding together. Thanks to him, we made a stop in Hamn, a small settlement with a hotel, spa, and restaurant, located at a fjord with a Caribbean feeling. Crystal clear turquoise water with a small beach and an island in front. We had a coffee and talked a bit more. He learned German in school, works as a physiotherapist in a private clinic, and his son is a former professional football player. A calm, pleasant character. The culinary highlight today was self-picked cloudberries and blueberries. Today's ferry took us from Senja to Andoya. There are big differences between the islands. Andoya is much flatter, with vast marshy valleys. Seagles with white tails circled in the mountain slopes. Finding our camping spot after about 100km was a bit challenging, but when everyone finds the beach, you're no longer alone. So we cooked and ate together at sunset. With the persistent daylight, I still have trouble feeling really tired outside, but in the tent and sleeping bag, I quickly find my peace.


Best regards from home

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Wünsche Dir für heute wieder eine gute Fahrt und atemberaubende Natur.

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