Von Atlanta nach Philadelphia - eine Reise durch die amerikanische Geschichte
Von Atlanta nach Philadelphia - eine Reise durch die amerikanische Geschichte

Cape May, Sun & Fog

Közzétett: 24.02.2021

Wednesday, June 16th, 2010 - Cape May

An annoying fly wakes me up at 6:30 am. Why don't they fly onto chairs, shoes, or into the toilet, but always into the face? I doze off a bit and listen to an audiobook, then get up and write the last postcards. I have written 56 postcards in four weeks. Not bad.

Although the weather is not good, it is sunny and very pleasant due to the ocean breeze. I quickly have breakfast overlooking the beach, lighthouse, and water, and then walk along the beach for an hour, hoping to see dolphins. Unfortunately, no success today. I find a bench overlooking the beach, but after another hour I give up and walk along the promenade, get myself a latte, and observe the hustle and bustle around me.

It's clouding up again and just as I'm back at the hotel, it starts pouring rain and thundering. At 5:00 pm, you can hardly see anything.

The rain is over, but it brought thick fog over the street from the water. So I start packing most of my things and weigh the bags. Everything is in the green range. I eat my salad from yesterday, which is not great, and the remaining blueberries with vanilla yogurt (delicious!). At 7:00 pm, I drive around a bit, walk through the pharmacy and find a folding reading glasses and some funny birthday cards. It's time for the last (pointless) shopping. When I come out, the fog has completely disappeared and there is even a decent sunset. However, it has gotten significantly cooler, probably only around 22°C, and it's windy. I sit in front of my room in my beach folding chair, wearing long pants and a fleece jacket, and read.


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