vom Spinat zur Kiwi
vom Spinat zur Kiwi

Taylors Mistake Walkway

Közzétett: 12.12.2017

On Monday, December 11, 2017, I went on a hike along the Taylors Mistake Walkway in the east of Christchurch. I traveled from Chch to Sumner on the Purple Line and started my journey from there. At first, I walked along a paved road until I reached the first steep stairs that led through a small park on the Flowers Track.
Flowers Track
Flowers Track

At the top, I met a very nice man who reflected a typical New Zealander. He came up to me with his dog and asked me how I was doing, where I came from, and what I was doing in this place. After a few kind words, he gave me the tip to continue straight ahead and go through a fence that was put up due to the earthquakes in 2011 to prevent access to this path. Without this tip, I would never have gone through this barrier and would certainly never have been able to enjoy the great view that I found on that day.
The amazing New Zealander
The amazing New Zealander

The promising path to paradise
The promising path to paradise

At the end of this trail, I found a fantastic view: an endless horizon, kilometers of coastline, and cliffs about 50 meters high. I was overwhelmed!

The first impression
The first impression

From this place, I continued along the coast for about 2 hours. One bay was more beautiful than the other, one view was better than the other, and one highlight followed the next.

The first part is done

It went over rocks and stones and the altitude became less. The trail always continued to the right, along the coast. At one point, I saw a small detour that brought me closer to the water. I went down the path and decided to take a little refreshing dip before the actual hike, in scorching sun and 30 degrees in the shade.

Into the water
Into the water

After the refreshing dip, I continued along Taylors Mistake Beach. I refilled my water bottles at the public toilets and then headed towards the official hiking trail. This hiking trail went up and down for about 3 hours. It also followed the breathtaking coast, passing through various bays.
Official hiking trail with a view of Taylors Mistake Beach
Official hiking trail with a view of Taylors Mistake Beach

After a total of 6 hours, I took my bus back from Sumner to Chch, and that evening I fell into bed with sore feet and legs after an 8-hour trip.

Looking back on this day, I can say that I would definitely take on this effort again, and the views more than compensated for the physical exertion. One of my highlights, however, was the great encounter with the elderly gentleman, which once again showed me what wonderful people the New Zealanders are.

Greetings from warm New Zealand to cold Germany!

Your Max
Válasz (4)

Danke mein lieber, ich habe deine Zeilen mit großem Interesse gelesen. Nach weiter so.

Das geht ja sofort super los. Ich packe direkt mein Badetuch ein und komme nach. Wir wünschen Dir weiter eine gute Zeit und sind schon auf die nächsten Beiträge gespannt.👍😃

Super schöner Beitrag Brüderchen, hast ja schon einiges erbebt. 😍 Liebe Grüße vom Dorf ☺️

Wünsche dir weiterhin viel Spaß auf deiner Reise und freue mich schon auf deine weiteren Berichte und Fotos 🌴🌺🐳☉

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