
Tag 107 - naughty

Tshaj tawm: 26.08.2019


Last night's walk showed us once again that if you want to get around a bit, you can't get around a scooter. So in the morning, we rent one from our accommodation and take off. We pass through small villages and rice fields and after a while we arrive at a stretch of beach with two restaurants. We choose one and stay there for two hours with a coconut and a cappuccino.

Little anecdote:

It is precisely here that I have the worst 'dog experience' of the entire trip. We have encountered thousands of stray dogs throughout Southeast Asia, and the naughtiest and most aggressive one I meet here - it is domesticated and belongs to an Australian. As I return from the toilet, it follows me and almost bites my heels.

I try everything: crouch down, hold out my hand, speak calmly. Nevertheless, the beast bares its teeth. The owner comes over, takes the dog in his arms and approaches me: 'He won't do anything, see?' (By the way, 'he' means me; he is talking to his dog). The man starts stroking my shoulder and continues to talk to the dog ('Look, I'm touching him too'). I am a bit confused and just grin stupidly. The dog is still growling like crazy. 'The dog simply doesn't like me', I say. The man laughs stupidly, the beast bares its teeth - the situation resolves itself.

We decide to head back home, but we visit another part of the beach first. We park our scooter and have a little picnic on the rocks next to a kind of embankment. It is low tide and this area of the beach has a kind of reef that is now completely exposed. We walk over the rocks and watch locals searching for shells and fish in the pools that are still filled with water - a very beautiful atmosphere.

We drive back to our accommodation and grab a little evening snack just before, which we then devour in our room.

- Alex


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