
Filthy Friday with certain extras

Tshaj tawm: 26.08.2019

Hello 🍻

Since the last entry, it has mainly been about that and food

Wednesday was the closing party for most of the volunteers in Puerto Viejo, where everyone gathered on the beach and told stories.

Afterwards, we grabbed a few empanadas and took a taxi home.

Thursday morning, our shuttle headed towards Sixaola. When you cross the bridge, you are already in Panama, which is pretty cool. After some questionable checks and a stamp in the passport, you are done.

So we continued to our ferry, organized by a rather questionable and unfriendly Mr. Leo.

Riding a speedboat over the sea is a lot of fun

We met a Scottish guy and went to eat together in a dream location. Caesar Surpreme Crepes with fresh fruit smoothie!!

Then we went to the beach to cool off once again, because it is much drier and noticeably hotter here.

Sand fleas ruined that a bit.

Had to go eat again because that's the best thing you can do 😂

In the night, I was woken up by stomach cramps, which didn't really improve on the following day either.

And now I want to tell you about my party experiences. To all my relatives, don't worry, I haven't become a father or had to be rescued from any other mess.

The Filthy Friday party starts on the main island where everyone gathers. Beer & Tequila for $2, that's a good prospect for a good party.

Then get a cool anchor tattoo and it's perfect! 😂

Apparently, the docks weren't built for that many people because suddenly the dock next to us collapsed with 3 people on it. Well, we were lucky again...

Then we went directly to island no 2 and I have to say that was a damn awesome party location. I'll post a picture for you.

Good DJs, sunshine, and nothing but the sea all around.

I've never seen anything like it before... yes, time passed quickly and our friend fell victim to alcohol. When I came out of the water, my shirt and sunglasses were gone and I panicked a bit. Well, she was so drunk that she mistook my shirt and sunglasses for hers.

So, on to the next island where I didn't feel so well anymore and most of the party people were already pretty drunk.

I wished I could go back in time to when I was more of a party animal, but I think I've left that behind me 😂

The rest of the time, we were looking for this particular friend and I was already in the mood to leave.

After the fire show, we went home and back to the hotel at 8 pm. Well, normally that's when it starts for us 😂

Photos will be added once the photographer uploads them online ☺️

Then I had a disgusting pizza and 💤

The next day our friend stumbled into the hostel and we drove back to Costa Rica.

Yeah, I didn't like Panama as much as Costa Rica, the people there are too open, you never know if they want something good or bad.

Back at the hostel, rested and in the evening we went to a reggae festival in the city.

Yeah, it's not really my kind of music, but enjoying your beer on the beach is pretty cool.

Yesterday it rained again while we were in the forest, and monkeys hate water even though they live in the rainforest.

Spoiled creatures 😂

They always try to hide under your shirt, which is really cute. 🤓

This week, I will go into the sea with a surfboard and kayak, and then I'll get back to you.

Your Monkey Whisperer



Daim ntawv qhia txog kev mus ncig Panama