
The most livable city in the world.

Hoʻopuka ʻia: 06.12.2016

When I think back to Melbourne, I have to admit: We had a really good time. There was graffiti on every street corner and a Banksy exhibition as a highlight. There was the Eureka Tower and the priceless view from the Skydeck. Melbourne is a shopping paradise and a foodie heaven. Big city and beach life.
I remember the penguins we watched in the evenings and the skyline that opened up behind them.
Our encounter with an opossum where I don't know who was more scared at first.
The delicious food at the restaurants 'Lentil as anything' that work according to the motto "Pay as much as you think is right."
The huge bounce halls where we could be kids again. The Federation with its personal little starry sky. An international tattoo convention. And our day trips to Mornington Peninsula and the Hot Springs.

Melbourne, just like Berlin, has stolen a bit of my heart and I don't regret immersing myself in city life for a month.
Melbourne is lovable, but is it also livable?
I'm not a fan of sugarcoating things or leaving out unpleasant experiences just to give the impression that everything is perfect. Apart from the frustrating job search, which I already complained about in the last entry (sorry for that), Melbourne, the "most livable city in the world," also had its dark sides.
I'm talking about homeless people sleeping on cardboard in all the streets, which seem to be part of the scenery for all the residents. I'm talking about being a nobody in a metropolis. You won't see the same face twice and no one cares who you are or what you do. Although that's something I often wished for back home (please don't be too mad, hahaha), it's actually quite nice to greet acquaintances on the street.
Now it's time to turn my back on Melbourne. I take one more look back, enjoy the passing skyscrapers, press play, and look ahead again.

It was nice to meet ya Melbourne, but sorry, there's nothing holding me here anymore.

This view happened to us at the famous Brighton Beach. Kitesurfers flying over the sea and this magnificent skyline behind them. We spent half a day on the beach until the weather suddenly changed within minutes and a storm came in, churning up the sea and sand until the sand shot over the beach meters high and people panicked and ran back to the street. End of the world feeling!

Our first evening in Melbourne and we're already drinking again. Welcome to Australia, I would say, and Happy Halloween!

The H&M in Melbourne doesn't really impress with its selection, but rather with its impressive building! That probably makes waiting easier for the guys.

The tattoo expo was a highlight for me as a tattoo fan, of course. The cherry on top was the media pass that was handed to me to take pictures as one of the lucky few. The designs, the different techniques, and the many details were impressive. Actually, I had hoped that after 12 hours of tattoo smell and sound, I would have the revelation of what my next artwork would be, but I was wrong. My ideas multiplied tenfold. So I guess it's 10 tattoos instead of one. Logical consequence.

The Federation Square was often the starting point of our city tours. Sitting on the steps and observing the hectic city life like on a little island in the middle of crowds of people and trams was definitely an experience worth it.

Einen tollen Abend verbrachten wir mit Bar Hopping in Begleitung dreier Mädels aus Sydney. Wir lernten uns auf in dieser geilen Rooftopbar kennen bis Lisa und ich später bei zwei Bekanntschaften aus Melbourne landeten und zusammen mit ihnen den Abend mit einer Flasche Rum ausklingen ließen.
Der Strand von St. Kilda war für mich mein Rückzugsort um meinen nächsten Eintrag über meinen Outback Trip in mein Notizbuch zu kritzeln und mir einfach mal wieder Zeit zu nehmen, ein Buch zu lesen.

Einer der schönsten Spots in Melbourne ist der St. Kilda Pier. Auf der einen Seite ereignet sich dieser wunderbare Ausblick auf die Stadt und schaut man bei Dämmerung etwas genauer hin, entdeckt man Pinguine und Wasserratten, die in den Gesteinsspalten hausen. Bewacht werden die Pinguine bei freiwilligen Helfern, die die Menschen zurückhalten und die Pinguine mit roten Taschenlampen anleuchten, da diese farbenblind bzgl. Rot sind.

Ich habe noch nie so viel Geld für Essen ausgegeben! Der Queen Victoria Night Market öffnet im australischen Sommer jeden Mittwochabend und hat Unmengen von kreativsten Gerichten im Angebot. After this fried rice in a pineapple (how cool is that), we also had pancakes, macarons, and more...

Different emotional break myself should not offend anyone personally but only represent an entertaining good night story:
OH MY GOD! (Or should I say Oh my gosh?) What the hell is wrong with humanity!
Background information: Vreni was looking forward to the famous Hosier Lane for weeks (!), a lane in the heart of Melbourne full of small and large works of art by mostly unknown graffiti artists. After visiting the graffiti exhibition of world-famous artist Banksy, my interest in graffiti skyrocketed and now we're in Hosier Lane. I walk through the street, looking for hidden motifs on the walls and taking endless pictures.
After a few minutes, I realize that the actual spectacle is not the graffiti, but all the wannabe fashion killers desperately trying to take unique Instagram pictures. It all started with a selfie stick that I almost got in my face. Then there was this girl who made her companion hold her phone while taking selfies since we entered the lane until we left (30 f*cking minutes!!), just so she wouldn't give the impression of taking selfies (Come on, you're kidding me, girl). But the highlight was HIM. I don't have any words for that, I'm sorry. In retrospect, I would have loved to see myself observing HIM and his (let's call them) professional photo assistants. I honestly didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or shake him awake. But hey, please take a look at my ***exclusive insights into this high-fashion photo shoot***. And if you're still thinking "Yeah, and now?", please go bury yourself immediately.
Over and out.

By the way, this is what happens when you ask your friends to smile nicely for a photo for Mom!

The bounce halls in Melbourne have all become dear to us. Pure sports, but this time it's actually fun!

The Luna Park in St. Kilda is one of the oldest amusement parks. No comparison to my beloved Europapark and outrageously expensive, but it's worth a ride. You have to do it at least once, right?
Melbourne is bursting with creativity, a quality that I really love about this city. No matter how bad your day is, you will find a little piece of art, a saying, or a graffiti that inspires you again at some corner. Thumbs up, Melbourne!

Kylie Minogue is currently exhibiting her most famous stage outfits at the Arts Center Melbourne. Art at every corner. I love it!

I took advantage of my last days in Melbourne to the fullest. As I planned for a month, I finally went to St. Kilda in the evening and photographed the fantastic skyline. I made use of the time until the skyscrapers started to light up and simply crashed into my own picture.

Finally, the 7th of December arrives, and Maggie, Christoph, Sam, and I take the time to celebrate my birthday. Actually, Sam and I end up in a rooftop bar with plenty of Pimm's to celebrate my birthday and Sam's last night in Melbourne. After a midnight snack/breakfast at Macca's, we (reluctantly) take a walk home. I spend my birthday sleeping 50% and 50% with my dear Maggie, who takes the time to surprise me with a muffin and sparkler. We spend a nice day and evening together, and last but not least, I spend my last night in Melbourne before packing my backpack and setting off to Phillip Island in the morning.


Hōʻike huakaʻi Nuhōlani