
I'm quitting my studies before it even started.

Hoʻopuka ʻia: 14.02.2017

Daddy, I don't know what to do. I still remember the moment on St. Kilda beach when I sent my daddy a voice message and poured out my heart to him. Half a year ago, I never would have thought of extending my trip and risking my studies. My plans seemed so perfect. Travel the world for half a year and then dive into my career. But then I got on that plane and met people who fascinated me, saw places that took my breath away, and got to know myself like never before. And suddenly, this beautiful plan started to crumble. There is so much more to see, so much more to experience, so many paths to take. We got nothing to lose and a world to see. And it's true.

By the campfire, I met a young man who had the perfect life in London: lots of money, an apartment in the city center, a beautiful girlfriend by his side. He gave it all up and instead preferred to sit with us and his guitar at the campground. He has been traveling for a year now and if he manages, he wants to return after 5 years of world travel.
I traveled with a friend who had worked for years to make his bike trip around the world possible and finally quit his job and got on his motorcycle.
Last but not least, a colleague told me recently that he is considering an apprenticeship as a baker at the age of 27, after having so much fun baking in the restaurant here in Australia and not wanting to go back to the metal industry.

Boom, that's why we do Work & Travel. That's why we travel to the ends of the earth, live on a low budget, and talk to strangers. To get to know ourselves, to grow in personality. When I think of all the self-discovery seminars in school where we were supposed to find our calling by ticking boxes, I can only shake my head. You have no idea where your limits are if you have never been to the edge warst.You can't know what your strengths are if you have never been forced to be strong. You will never know what you are capable of if you never try things because you have been indoctrinated on how it should be.

So many people never understood me, how I could really want such a project, and no, it's often not easy. Actually, I create problems for myself that I wouldn't have to have. Worries about money that I never had at Hotel Mama. Taking care of every little thing myself. But that's what life is all about. Getting out of this fucking comfort zone. Taking a different perspective. Expanding your horizons.
Leaving your comfort zone is more than just getting up from the couch and going for a jog. It means exposing yourself to situations that you hate yourself for. It means struggling, fighting, and coming out stronger in the end.
You have to experience this feeling once to understand this saying that has haunted me for so long. Life begins outside of your comfort zone.

And then I faced the decision: return in April, apply and go to university, or extend my trip and devote another year to traveling. So I sent out this message expecting a response along the lines of "Come home, learn something worthwhile, earn your money, and finally move out".
But no. The response I received brought tears to my eyes. My daddy sent me a message in which he encouraged me to pursue my dreams, to live, to believe in myself. I can remember the moment as if it were yesterday. I stood there crying and at the same time with the biggest smile on my face on the promenade and in that moment, my decision had long been made deep inside.
It all seemed so unreal in that moment, simply too awesome to be true, and honestly, it still does.

I'm postponing my studies for another year. Another year in which many of my classmates are 2 semesters ahead of me. Another year without earning real money, without a proper job in hand. Having my own car, my own apartment will have to wait.
If someone were to ask me - No, I don't know what I'm doing. But do I have to at 19? I don't think so. Too many people who have never traveled regret their path now. So many young people break free again after their apprenticeship to get a taste of freedom.
Now we are young, now we are still free. Many acquaintances and friends told me before I left that I should enjoy my freedom and only now do I realize how precious this advice is.
I am free. I am independent. I have nothing to lose. All doors are open to me and most importantly: I have time. Time to fulfill my dreams. Time to laugh, to love, to experience. Someday I won't have this time anymore. Someday I won't be able to go wherever I want. Someday, I can't just leave and let my kids stay overnight at kindergarten.

Now is the time. This moment is life and life should not be postponed until later.
Do me a favor and turn someday into now before it becomes never. If something fascinates you, do it. Screw how it turns out. In the end, it will be a success or a lesson. Both will make you bigger. Don't let anyone tell you what is possible or not. Those are the limits of those who try to convince you, not yours. Seize every chance, accept the challenge. Dare to adventure and be brave.
Believe in yourself, you can do anything.
See you later alligator,
your adventurer

By the way, the photos were taken on my day off at the 'Nobbies'. The one and a half hour bike ride there and back was definitely worth this natural spectacle. Despite the incredible wind, I spent an hour there and watched the waves fight each other in the sea before crashing against one of the rocks. Insanity!

Philipp Island is generally only known for its penguin parade and otherwise mocked as unremarkable, which I can't understand at all. People, open your eyes and welcome to paradise!

Pane (3)

Hat off. Yep, your doing everything right - go with the flow girl. And, from the way you write, well I thinks it's a foundation for a good selling book, an inspiration to be read at the start of the 9. Klasse. Even for Hauptschule Kinder like mine. Just because they don't or will not have an Abi Abschluss, does that make them a cog in the machinery of life? No way, they can be and do what they want if they are willing to stand 100% behind their decisions. Rock on and live a life. Collect moments and not material. One day you could loose that job, that car, that house, but the moments/experience can't be taken away. God bless.

Hey, ich will dieses Jahr auch 1 Jahr nach Australien und bin bei meinen Vorbereitung vor kurzer Zeit auf deinen Blog gestoßen. Ich habe schon soo viele Blogs gelesen, aber meist nur, weil ich wissen wollte welche Jobs sie hatten oder we andere formale DInge gingen. Ich muss echt sagen, dass ich mich immer wieder freue bei neuen Blogeinträgen von dir und dass ich es echt genieße sie zu lesen, weil sie einerseits interessant aber auch sehr tiefgründig sind, aber immer direkt ins Schwarze treffen! Ich liebe deinen Schreibstil und gerade mit diesem Eintrag hast du mich gestärkt, dieses Work&Travel Jahr wirklich durchzuziehen. Ich zweifele nicht, weil ich denke, dass ich diese Art von Reisen nicht mag oder auch weil es mir zu lange ist, sondern weil ich Angst habe, was danach kommt und ich eigentlich schon 2 Semester hätte studieren können, wie es alle anderen von meinen Freunden machen. Aber du hast Recht, dass man diese Freiheit nur einmal im Leben hat und man sie jetzt ausnutzen muss, weil es sonst zu spät ist und ich bin mir zu 100% sicher, dass ich es bereuen würde. Danke für deine schönen Texte und das "Mir aus der Seele sprechen", mach weiter so und du machst das Richtige! Genieß dein weiteres Jahr und lass es zum schönsten deines Lebens werden! Kathi :)

Lieber Jason, liebe Kathi. Unendlichen Dank für diese tollen Kommentare! Ihr habt mir gerade tatsächlich die Tränen in die Augen getrieben, Ihr könnt euch nicht vorstellen wie viel mir solches Feedback bedeutet! Unendlichen Dank und ich hoffe ihr bleibt dran !! Eure Vreni

Hōʻike huakaʻi Nuhōlani