
Stralsund 3rd day

Buga: 09.09.2023

we=128:2-on the way (actually 129)

We are still in the beautiful city of STRALSUND. The weather hasn't changed. It's sunny and more than 30 degrees in the shade. It has definitely not been this warm here in September for a long time.

Everything that was necessary distributed among me; Cap and scarf also taken. Then took line 4 to the old town island again. Walked along the old city wall today and was amazed. Some parts were recreated – but surprisingly well. From the Stralsund Theater - part of the Vorpommern Theater - turn into the old town.

At AUNT HEDWIG's I had my first caffeine of the day - because. the headache – taken. A beautiful shop with a very friendly employee who explained a lot. And a great coffee. The owner of this shop lives on the island of ÖHE and breeds this and that animal, including water buffalo. Their milk is not processed into mozzarella, but into other cheese, and the meat from the cattle is processed into salami, among other things. Delicious. In the store, a lot of things are offered from MVP. The gin only has 38 percent volume and must therefore be called “juniper”. Luckily there is an online shop so I don't have to carry everything around with me all day. lucky. The shop with the canned fish from the day before is also part of the family and would also deliver to me online. Even if I would prefer to shop locally, in this case it is a very sensible idea.

After the coffee got rid of the headache, it was time to rush to the port and the WHITE FLEET so we could still get on the upper deck for the harbor tour. Beforehand, I drank a lot of water at the LINIE HIDDENSEE – because of the heat. The boat had barely docked when so many fellow passengers had already arrived that I had concerns about finding a place at the top. Everything worked and after a while it started. It was a very interesting harbor tour. The information was really good and very insightful. The money was well spent and the time passed quickly. So much information about, among other things, the MV shipyard - with the third largest shipbuilding hall in Germany. Lots of companies have their headquarters there today. Then we continued under the Rügen Bridge. Including the old bascule bridge (called the Ziegelgrabenbrücke), which opens every hour so that all the boats can sail towards Usedom and Greifswald.

On the way around the small island of Dänholm, we learned that the GORCH FOCK I was sunk there by the crew and was only raised after World War II. After a good hour, the journey was unfortunately already over and we were back on land.

This short trip on the water passed me without further sunburn.
The day was still quite young and so we set off to explore ST. Pay a short visit to NIKOLAI at the Alter Markt. An impressive ceiling and lots of other beautiful things amazed us. Among other things, calligraphy pictures were exhibited - with beautiful texts and beautiful writing. It is not so easy to write these scriptures. Then the CAFÉ GUMPFER lured again with the cake counter. There was no way around sea buckthorn cake - highly recommended. Then the former ST. Visit JOHANNIS MONASTERY. Wasn't that easy to find; even though we had already passed it. Unfortunately, the monastery and church were so damaged that they have not yet been rebuilt. A pity. But there is even a holiday home in the complex. Beautiful facility.

Then to the BÜRGERGARTEN at Knieperteich. Enjoyed a beer from here, a STRALSUNDER. However, it was served in a Störtebeker glass. Never mind, the beer was delicious regardless. Went back to the hotel by bus and later had a delicious meal at the SUNDBLICK. It was very warm and even though a light wind made it a little more bearable, it was exhausting.

See you soon.
