
Welcome to Brazil !

Buga: 19.04.2018

So we arrived in Fortaleza on Friday, 6.4 at 2.40 am. Samuel and his wife picked us up and we drove to their home. It was very strange on the streets! No soul and not even cars were on the road, and that in a city with 3 million inhabitants. Everything seemed deserted and a bit scary. People don't go out at night because it's very dangerous. When we arrived, we ate something and went straight to bed!

In the morning, we slept in and had breakfast, and in the afternoon, we went to the city to have lunch with Samuel. It was very delicious and then we went straight to the beach. It was totally beautiful and very warm. The beach was as you imagine it in Brazil. Everywhere there was music and good-looking men and women, half-naked doing sports :D

In the evening, Samuel's brother and a friend joined us for dinner. However, we didn't stay long because the jet lag this time was extreme :D

On Saturday, 7.4, we were supposed to leave for São Miguel at 6 am. But it was actually 6:30 am. We should finally get used to the fact that German punctuality is not the standard :D

Samuel is super nice and a big football fan. The debacle at the 2014 World Cup was also mentioned :D

We stopped in Quixeramobim. That's the neighboring city of the small village São Miguel. There we bought a present for a 2-year-old boy who was celebrating his birthday in the evening. We also invited Samuel's mom and then continued our journey. The streets were very beautiful. It went through the green and through mountains. Only 2000 people live in São Miguel and it felt like a movie. Men sit on the street and play cards, donkeys walk through the street, the houses are small and have red roofs, and the children play soccer. Then we went to Marta, that's Ana's sister. We were allowed to leave our laundry with her. That was a bit uncomfortable for us because our clothes were very dirty :D Next, we went to our neighbors. They had cooked lunch specially for us 🙈 There was rice, very tender beef, salad, and for dessert, sweet potato jelly. Then she asked if we like chocolate cake. Promptly she brought us 2 pieces of cake the next day. So sweet!

After we moved into our new home, namely Ana's house, it all started.

Samuel and Iderlan, who is also a friend of Ana's and even speaks German, picked us up. We continued on motorcycles :D Our nightmare. We sat 3 people on one and I was pretty nervous. But the two guys are very good drivers. They have been driving since they were 12 years old. Then we drove to a lake. You could jump from a tree into the water, but it was too risky for us, so we stayed outside. There was also a lot to discover there. The guys promptly put a huge stick insect on our hand. We laughed so hard. Then the millipede came and then we discovered a plant that closes all its leaves when touched. It was really cool and we felt like real explorers. The guys from the village were also happy because it was something completely normal for them :D Then we practiced stone cracking and went to another water spot. Then we went home, took a shower, and went to the birthday party of the 2-year-old boy. It was a bit exaggerated, so many people were there and there were several multi-tiered cakes :D The little one didn't even notice what was going on and it was more of a reason for the adults to celebrate :D

In the evening, we all sat on our terrace and chatted. Finally, we drove to the village disco with Iderlan's car and listened to Rammstein music and watched the Brazilians dancing Forro. It's really great and very erotic :D


Rahoton balaguro Brazil