
The High Tatras, simply beautiful

Buga: 12.05.2023

Yesterday, to be honest, I didn't feel like writing anymore. It's tedious to type everything on the phone.

Instead, I will write for two days today.

Yesterday was quite unspectacular. There was a lot of driving on the federal highway in order to make some progress, of course with a few detours on beautiful small mountain roads.

In the late afternoon, I found a campsite where I was the only guest. The place was very beautiful, situated by a lake and quite cheap. After the night, I also knew why it was so cheap, but more on that later.

The tent was quickly set up and arranged. Dinner and then a shower. And that's when the problems started. The newly built sanitary building was not yet ready for use, and the portable toilets had no power. But I didn't feel like showering and using the toilet in the dark. So I went to the reception and complained. The staff asked me to wait at the portable toilet, a handyman would come immediately. As said, but no handyman came, instead it was the receptionist.

'I have bad news and good news for you, the portable toilets are out of order, but here is a key for cottage number 9. Inside there is a toilet and a shower.' That sounded good. Shower and toilet were secured and used, then off to the sleeping bag.

It got cold, colder, freezing cold. 🥶🥶🥶🥶 Although I was wearing a T-shirt, a long-sleeved shirt, sweatpants, and socks, it was still cold.

I must have overlooked the fact that there was a busy highway nearby, as well as a railway line with an endless freight train passing by every hour. To make matters worse, at six o'clock sharp, the construction site on the campsite started operating, with tractors, compressors, and sandblasting.

Nevermind, I had to go to the toilet anyway, and it was cold and the way was far. 😂

Well, the night was over, I brewed some coffee, dismantled the tent, and spread it out to dry. Packed the motorcycle, tightened the tie straps so tightly that the motorcycle (Berta) thought it had to lay down. Pretty stupid to have to lift up a fully loaded sleeping motorcycle again. First, I looked to see if anyone could help, but as it always happens, the construction workers suddenly disappeared, and I was the only guest.

Well, I clenched my teeth, grabbed the handlebars, and suddenly Berta stood back on her own two wheels. I didn't think it would work without unpacking the luggage. The departure was imminent.

Today, I didn't want to ride only on the federal highway again, so I turned left, beautiful routes, partly on gravel, through forests and meadows, narrow little mountain roads. It was perfect, and the day's ride compensated for the night.

Yesterday, I didn't even notice when I crossed the border into Slovakia, no signs, nothing. At the Hungarian border, there was at least a sign, and right on cue, with the border crossing, it started raining. I had actually chosen a campsite, but since the motorcycle gear was soaking wet, I decided to stay at a guesthouse. Here, I can dry the gear and I won't freeze tonight.

Tomorrow, I will continue towards Romania. Let's see what the routes have to offer. Due to today's rain, Berta has become too clean, we'll change that again tomorrow.


Rahoton balaguro Hungary