
Where else can and do we want to go? (Day 194 of the world trip)

Buga: 16.03.2020

16th March 2020

Unfortunately, we don't have Wi-Fi and electricity in our accommodation (which has nothing to do with Corona but with the simple living arrangement ;-) ).

Today, Jonas is not feeling so well (fresh fruit on the street... :p) and therefore we only went to the city in the afternoon because the 30 minutes are a bit exhausting when you're sick.

Now we are sitting in a cafe and using the Wi-Fi, as long as the store is still open :O

Here in Antigua, everything is quiet. Cars, vans, and pickups are leaving the city with food and drinks, and the streets, where there are usually so many tourists, are deserted.

The employees of the restaurants and cafes were already sitting on the sidewalk yesterday because they no longer have any customers, and today you can hardly find anywhere to sit.

Fortunately, there is still take-away food, but we are glad that we will leave soon because the closures (often involuntary) seem to be progressing.

The people who live here, 90% of them in this rather poor country, have a real problem because I hardly think the employees will be compensated... :(

For us personally, we will go to Guatemala City tomorrow and then fly to Mexico City on Wednesday morning.

We believe it was the best choice, and Mexico will probably let us in as well (as of today)...

There, we have booked three nights in a fancier hotel with Netflix, a fitness studio, and breakfast, to plan everything else (hopefully with working internet)!

A return flight to Germany is currently not ruled out, but we have to step by step see what is possible.

Because the flights back home sometimes go through countries that we as Germans are not allowed to enter in transit ;-)

We are making the best of it and will update you whenever the Wi-Fi allows. But we are doing well and we are not panicking, just a little frustrated and disappointed if we really have to go home already.

You only do this world trip once, and if it ends prematurely, it is personally sad.

But special circumstances require special measures, and of course, it is better to be reasonable than to be too stubborn about your adventure :)

Until then, all the best to the people who are still reading!!'


Rahoton balaguro Guatemala