Träume leben - einfach machen - das grosse Abenteuer
Träume leben - einfach machen - das grosse Abenteuer

next stop Exmouth

Buga: 06.12.2017

Good evening everyone!

Rainer, Nadia and Flo are currently enjoying the evening at the first one, with the tailgate open and an incredible starry sky above us. It could be worse for us.

The first day here in Exmouth, or about 40km outside of it, was once again outstanding. First, we got information about the area at the Visitor Centre, after which we headed straight to Turquoise Bay to enjoy the beach and go snorkeling... once again with two turtles. 😍 We had to process that while sunbathing (okay, it was slightly cloudy again). Then we went to Oyster Stack, where the Ningaloo Reef was right at the entry point to the ocean and once again impressed with an incredible variety of different fish.

In the early afternoon, we engaged in some sports activities and walked the Yardie Creek Trail, which offered great views into the huge gorge. Quite an adventurous hike, considering that we were wearing flip flops. But it was doable... ((-:

In the evening, we watched the turtles that currently return from the sea to their nests every evening. Since it's already dark when they crawl their way up the beach, we unfortunately don't have any pictures of this, but it was a super amazing experience that we want to repeat again tomorrow.

It's interesting to observe how the turtles regularly poke their heads out of the water during sunset (attention: pure speculation!) to check their location or how light/dark it is or how many people are lurking on the beach to observe their path, or simply to take a breath. Totally awesome!

Tomorrow, we have a relaxed beach/snorkeling day ahead.

We say goodnight, wish you all a beautiful day, and send very warm greetings to everyone.

Amsa (4)

Schwiiiimmfiiischhhhh !!!! Über gut und mega Fotos. Geniesst es weiterhin und liebe Grüsse aus dem Basel Office... =)

Großartig ;) Die Bucht in Exmouth ist suuuuuuper. Unterschätzt die Strömung dort aber nicht und nehmt rechtzeitig den Ausgang ;) Bin nur leicht neidisch!

Hallo, ihr zwei Flip Flop Wanderer, einfach tolle Bilder von den Traumstränden und Landschaften, echt beneidenswert schön, weiterhin gute Fahrt mit Rainer und angenehme Weiterreise , Kussi Ma

looks great Nadia, I love it up there! Keep the pics coming! Hopefully see you in a week or so!

Rahoton balaguro Ostiraliya