Thurids KEAdventure
Thurids KEAdventure

Glaciers and Fireflies

Buga: 21.01.2019

The day started with a half disappointment: although the weather in Franz Josef was quite good, the tour to the glacier itself was cancelled. I still have the chance to do a Heli Hike tomorrow morning, but the weather forecast says a lot of rain for tomorrow...

Hoping and crossing fingers...

There are many hiking trails around Franz Josef and the glaciers, so the day was still fully booked today.
The good thing: I could enjoy a wonderful free breakfast at the hostel. There were pancakes and waffles, I mean, how awesome is that?!

I teamed up with a Danish girl who had booked the same tour as me and now faced the same problem.

But the chemistry between us was right and so we could fill the 5 hours of hiking with conversations.

Along the way, there were signs at intervals showing where the glacier used to be a few years ago, starting in 1850. It was already devastating that the stretch from 2010 to the end of the trail was the longest section...and we hadn't even reached the glacier itself yet...

Other hiking trails led through forests to lakes, one over a bridge, but at some point it was enough and our stomachs growled. Back to the hostel then, lunch.

After that we got a tip that was worth gold:
After a 30-minute hike up a mountain, you came to a tunnel. A small river flowed through the tunnel, ankle-deep at most. And in this tunnel you can see fireflies.
Because we were in the right adventurous mood, we took off our shoes and socks and went into the darkness.

The water was freezing cold!

I had my flashlight with me, so at least I could see where I was stepping, but the stones were sharp-edged and you could feel the pain even through your cold-numbed feet.
It took us about 10 minutes to get to the other end of the tunnel and just before that, when we turned off all the lights - there they were.
By far not as many as in the marketed caves, but it was pure nature. I was so excited about the fireflies, it was definitely worth the pain!
Nevertheless, we had to walk back for 10 minutes and then thaw our feet in the sun.

Slowly the day was coming to an end and so we retreated to the hostel, after all you have to socialize a bit. And the best way to do that is with - free soup!
The hostel really has its advantages!

I am in the same situation as yesterday - just hoping that the tour will take place tomorrow. Hoping, hoping, hoping. A 50% chance is not much, but better than 40%.
And actually, it's a win-win situation for me: if the tour takes place, I get to the glacier and have a wonderful experience. If the tour is cancelled, I get a lot of money back.
Still, I would love to go to this glacier ;)
