Große Reise Shannon
Große Reise Shannon

Westport - Day 1; Lake Nelson

Buga: 01.02.2018

We continued our journey by bus at 11 o'clock today.

Unfortunately, our bus driver's prediction came true and it has been stormy all day. The sun briefly came out during our lunch break at Lake Nelson, but otherwise it has been very cloudy, windy, and rainy, so we couldn't go to the beach in Westport.

In our surfer hostel, we treated ourselves to a pizza from the in-house pizza oven with apple cider.

We will probably go to sleep soon in our room, which we share only with other Germans. It's really difficult to improve our English skills here :D

Have a nice day back home 😊

Amsa (1)

Schade für Euch, dass das Wetter nicht so mitspielt. Macht das Beste draus :*

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