Riding shotgun with us ...
Riding shotgun with us ...

Discovery of Chicago, Day 2

Buga: 17.05.2023

Today we experienced how different the weather and temperatures can be here in the 'Windy City'. Yesterday beautiful warmth with sunny skies. Today also sunny with a blue sky, but a really cold wind that pushes the temperature down through the chessboard-like streets that are laid out along Lake Michigan. It's somewhat bearable in the sun, but it gets uncomfortable when you step into shaded areas.

Nevertheless, we were drawn outside and dressed warmly as we walked towards Downtown Chicago, taking the Riverwalk in the opposite direction. Our destination was the Millennium Park. Along the way, the locals often amazed us. Dressed in summer clothing like short tops, shorts, t-shirts, barefoot, and only wearing flip-flops, we got the impression that we are somehow the wimps. However, recognizable tourists leave no doubt that we are not the only ones affected by the cold wind.

But we are not here to complain about the weather. Today, we also want to discover something on the other side of the city.

We walk along the river towards the marina, towards the Millennium Park, which is beautifully designed and reminds us of Central Park in New York. Here, there is a large open-air concert hall with a large lawn for visitors.

On our way, we reach the 'Cloud Gate'. A greeeaat bean made of shiny, reflective metal. It's no surprise that that attracts us, even though 'tons of people' already have the same goal as us. With a little patience, we also find some space to take photos. Once the school classes or similar excursion groups have disappeared, only a few Insta-bitches (this time it's not us) are left behind.

The poor friends have to take photo after photo so that 'Beauty' can present herself well. Sometimes with one foot forward, sometimes with the upper body slightly stretched back, sometimes sitting, sometimes standing, and if it fits, quickly change shoes so that there are different options to perform... (what the heck...)

We perform (because we now have a reputation to uphold... :-)) and also play with the mirror effects.

Afterwards, we discover a water installation (Crown Fountain) made of glass blocks that create an oversized face with colored effects, and from time to time, a jet of water gushes out of its mouth.

If you haven't seen enough water by now, go a bit further to the Buckingham Fountain. I believe the Buckingham Palace in London does not offer such a large and impressive fountain. Many different motifs spit out water and provide a beautiful sight.

On the way back to the city, we discover the starting sign of Route 66, which we have driven so many times. Older-generation 'rockers' pose here with their motorcycle brides and take endless photos. So, this is the beginning - the end of the legendary and nearly 4000 km long road is at the pier in Santa Monica near Los Angeles, where we have already stood.

In Chicago, this sign used to hang a little lower on the lamppost. However, that had the consequence that everyone stuck some sticker on the sign and in the end, nothing could be seen anymore.

Since the weather didn't really get warmer, we decided to walk back to the hotel. There, the cool wind from Lake Michigan can't reach us...

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