Buga: 14.06.2020
After a few bottles of vodka with our target person, equipped with female finesse, a noble drinker, from the intelligence service.
After the obligatory intercourse, we try to blackmail her for more information. But at first she remains tight-lipped.
After a few cuddles, after a coitus interruptus, she becomes talkative and names names.
At the harbor, we finally find the headquarters of the syndicate. Nico's rocket cruiser with 40 crew members. Captain Andrè S. from A.
We look through the periscope, are surprised, see the seamen Marcel, Gerd & Cengiz, fully dressed, clearly and distinctly standing...
What a surprise, slowly the circle is closing. We cheer, trill, sing shanties. We go straight to the shop with the ransom and buy some relics.
Full of bliss over this successful coup, we hide behind the relics and eat fruit.
After washing, peeling and removing the core, we then make the
important radio transmission and hope for further rewards and honors