
Arrival and Day 1

Buga: 23.06.2018

The alarm goes off at 3 o'clock so at the latest I go to bed at 9 o'clock....said and done. Totally easy ....hmm....I think I fell asleep around midnight. Unfortunately, not all sleep deficits turn into diamonds under pressure...

By half past 4 we were ready to depart. Unfortunately, Belgium is relatively close behind Aachen. And in that country, driving is as unpredictable as French people speaking English....right!- Not at all! Hour after hour, lantern after lantern followed. (No wonder the streets can be seen from outer space. What a waste of energy). One could replace the lanterns with lines and half of Belgium would be adorned with a barcode...

At some point, we left Belgium behind and entered France. The lanterns were replaced by toll stations. In France, everything is generally announced in the 'nearby' vicinity of the highway. Even the sea, which is hundreds of kilometers away, is announced. Only the toll stations are announced 1000 meters (!) in advance. So that you can't change your mind. At the first station, I got a ticket...and wondered what to do with it. Since the explanation was of course in French, the ticket could have easily served as a toilet voucher at the next rest stop. At the next station (the blonde) it became clear to me that it should be returned and paid for. (Variant 1 of the toll fees.) Variant 2 is direct collection and variant 3 is paying by credit card. It's a shame when you don't understand this and try to get a ticket OUT, even though you should insert the credit card IN and the line behind you keeps getting longer. I also stood at the gas pump for just as long, because of the same problem. Nothing works here without a credit card (my poor credit card bill....). Today, I got super gas for an absolute bargain price of €1.64...

In the parking lot of said gas station, Teewurst and I met a couple from Viersen with whom we first conversed in French and then in English, until we knew why the other's accent seemed so familiar. Yes, the Germans. We were also invited to have potato salad with meatballs. German food in France <3 The two were also on their way to Brittany. However, for the umpteenth time and to the southern part.

Afterwards, we continued. Over a bridge that looked like a roller coaster entrance....

Of course with a toll ;)

Of course with a toll ;)

In the end, we only got lost once and arrived at our destination after 11 hours (Teewurst's bladder signals more frequently than mine...) I have to say, I have rarely seen such a beautiful area.

Unfortunately, I couldn't open the gate to the entrance of the house immediately and was looked at by various passers-by as if I were trying to break into somewhere in broad daylight. The French, it seems, are not concerned enough to call the police. Or they didn't dare, because I cursed like a sailor..

The house (gate is not visible)
The house (gate is not visible)

After unloading, I went shopping for a bit. Since I had been craving French cheese for weeks, I took a stroll through the cheese section. Please don't ask me what I bought, but everything tastes excellent. Just like the baguette with caramelized onions, which is actually a fig baguette (I was initially surprised by the raisins in the baguette). Of course, cider couldn't be missing and luckily, I received numerous recommendations from the German couple at the rest stop. After shopping, I went to the terrace with a view of the sea with cheese, baguette, and cider. The apartment is also really beautiful!

Living room
Living room
Living room 2
Living room 2
Wardrobe ;)
Wardrobe ;)

By now, Teewurst had marked and circled the property for the hundredth time, so I decided to show the little one the sea.

Marked property = Bought property
Marked property = Bought property

This exemplary dog, who normally doesn't pull on the leash anymore, promptly turned into the perfect example of a sled's just a shame that the beach in front of the door has Teewurst prohibition signs. So no splashing...Well, I thought - if he's not having fun, at least I will. So off I went in search of a French dessert. Naturally, it had to be crêpes. That's almost all they eat in Brittany. Thanks to the French menu, I thought, I'll have one with everything, then I'll immediately know what I don't like. Please also bring half a liter of cider.
After all, it's nice to sit by the sea.

If I had known what the French understand by 'everything', I wouldn't even have ordered mineral water. I sent back the cream as well.

Teewurst stayed quiet under the table the whole time. Other dogs didn't matter. Until one...and then my cider flew through the air, his water bowl spilled over the feet of the people at the neighboring table, and suddenly everyone in the immediate vicinity was quite wet....well, we were already being complimented on his beautiful eyes before. Now they will never forget him... ;) (Or understand that one shouldn't always judge based on appearance...)

The way back to the house (I was relieved that Teewurst was pulling....) looked like this:

See you tomorrow, we're going to bed now! (After a glass of cider....without any airborne distractions....)

View from the living room couch <3
View from the living room couch <3


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