
Stay hydrated

Buga: 15.07.2023

After some time, there is another little travel update from me. Feels like I could already fill books with what I experienced, even though it was only a few days. Poor me, dealing with luxury problems. :D

Well, what happened in the last few days? Let's start from the beginning: My return to Cartagena almost felt like coming home. I knew my way around the city, met old faces, and everything was, as usual, loud, colorful, and hot. Fantastic. It was also a nice feeling that Nadine was waiting for me at the hostel and our journey together could finally begin.

We spent a few more days in Cartagena, visited the surrounding islands, and enjoyed the city. After that, we traveled to a few more places on the coast. We went to Tayrona National Park, which offered an incredibly beautiful jungle with adjacent picture-perfect beaches, and we were able to fully enjoy the beach there. Then we continued to Santa Marta and Minca. Somehow, each place had its own charm and was always a highlight in its own way.

Two days ago, we left the Caribbean coast and headed inland to Medellin. The first thing that came to my mind about Medellin was always Pablo Escobar, but the city has so much more to offer. With over 2 million inhabitants, it had a bit of a big city feeling, and the climate didn't cause excessive sweating for once, it was pleasant. I didn't even remember how nice it can feel to be freshly showered. Although I am completely spoiled now and think about putting on a sweater when it's 25 degrees. How will I survive in Ecuador and Peru or the German winter? Well, that's a problem for Future Tanja. :D

Otherwise, as I said, I could write a book about every single day, and it's somehow difficult to authentically put the impressions into words.

But who could have known that on a boat tour, there would be no snorkeling gear, but plenty of beer?! Who could have known that during a hike, we would get lost, end up at the top of a mountain, suddenly be caught in a storm, and find ourselves in the middle of a spontaneous techno party?! Who could have known that we would sleep so far away from civilization that we had to fight our way through the jungle with our backpacks and the sea would literally splash against the edge of our bed?! Who could have known that there are clubs with a bar and tables in the middle of the sea?! Who could have known that in the morning, a stray dog would suddenly be lying on the breakfast table in the open kitchen?! Who could have known that the party always finds us and we don't find the party?! And who could have known that we would stumble into completely absurd situations over and over again and have the craziest encounters?!

Admittedly, by now, I should know that this is to be expected, but somehow each situation tops the next. I have no idea where it will end, but I'm excited for every crazy adventure. It remains thrilling.

Currently, we are traveling at quite a fast pace. We never stay in one place for longer than 2 days. This way, we can see as much of Colombia as possible before flying to Ecuador in a few days. Sometimes, this way of traveling can be a bit exhausting as we have to reorganize ourselves every time, but we are overwhelmed by new impressions every day. And it feels like we always meet people who become our best friends for the day, even though we don't know each other. Everyday life, family (except for Naddelpaddel, of course), and friends are so far away that "strangers" suddenly become close because that's exactly what connects all of us.

By now, we often don't even know where we will sleep the next day, so only the moment counts. Everything else will work itself out. Sometimes more, sometimes less easily, but in the end, everything is always fine.

By the way, I'm currently being rocked on a bus on the way to Salento. The winding bus rides on sometimes very adventurous roads (at least that's what the Colombians define as roads) are not easy here. You shouldn't drink too much beer the day before, as that could be difficult for the stomach. :D

So, as long as the bus driver gets us to our destination alive, you will hear from me.

PS: Despite having a great time here, I actually miss not only my stinky bear Dexter but also a few familiar faces from home. ;) It had to be said. :*

Amsa (1)

Party hard! 🖖🏻

Rahoton balaguro Colombia