
Train ride over the sea and another lighthouse

Buga: 25.11.2018


Our penultimate stop is Busselton, where we have two nights. We only drive about 50 km to get here.

The main attraction of the place is the approximately 1.8 km long Busselton Jetty, the longest jetty in the southern hemisphere. There is an underwater observatory at the end of this pier. We have already booked a tour here from home and hope to finally see something of the diverse underwater world. Unfortunately, we didn't see anything at the Ningaloo Reef because we couldn't snorkel. You can walk or take a little train out to the jetty, the latter was already included in our booked tickets.

We descend into the underwater world via stairs without getting wet. Through large windows, we can admire tropical and subtropical fish and coral reefs that have formed on thick wooden trunks.

After the tour, we return with the train.

While looking at the jetty, we have our picnic lunch before we drive to our accommodation, the 'Cape View Beach Resort'. The large apartment is again a hit - we even have two bathrooms, one of them with a whirlpool. Everything is very nice!

The weather is good for us today, so we can use the beach right behind our resort. Gerhard and Günther even dare to go into the water. So we finally managed to go swimming!

Günther made a reservation for dinner at a restaurant through the reception. It is supposed to be a 20 minute walk away. We walk and walk, Günther always in front, and no restaurant is in sight. Our stomachs are already rumbling. Then my smartphone tells me that we have walked too far. So we go back a bit and lo and behold, we find the restaurant. In a pleasant atmosphere, we satisfy our hunger. It really only takes us 20 minutes to walk back.

A totally relaxed day


We have another relaxing day today. Accordingly, we take it easy after getting up and having breakfast.

We drive to Cap Naturaliste with our car, which is only 25 km away from Busselton. On the headland surrounded by steep cliffs stands a lighthouse. There is a whale lookout from which you could actually watch whales now. But we have no luck, no whales are to be seen!

Afterwards we drive to different bays on the Geographic Bay.

In the rocky Bunker Bay, Günther has the experience of the day: while shooting a video on his knees, he suddenly notices a black snake silently passing by closely next to him. Intuitively, he remains silent and even films the animal (true story!). We may never really know if he was in danger. As a precaution, we toast to his second new life in the evening, cheers Günther!

Tomorrow we will drive the last 220 km to Freemantle where we will spend our last night. The next day we will return our car and start our flight back to Germany from Perth Airport. We hope that after this successful trip, everything will go smoothly without any incidents and we are also looking forward to home, 5 weeks are enough now.


We will report about Freemantle and give a final summary of our trip in this blog from home, so check back later!

At this point, the 2+2oldytravellers say goodbye to all readers of this blog and thank you very much for your interest in our long and adventurous journey.

Amsa (4)

Gute Heimreise und vielen Dank. Hier in Deutschland ist typisches November-Wetter - kalt, feucht und neblig. LG Gabi und Roland

Wir haben den aussagekräftigen Foto- und Textreisebericht mehr oder weniger regelmäßig verfolgt und brauchen nun selbst nicht mehr nach Australien. Euch wünschen wir gute Heimreise, zieht Euch warm an. HerzlGrüße Volkhard u. Bärbel

Vielen Dank für den super Reisebericht, haben viel Neues gesehen und und auch an die letzte Reise erinnert. Viel Spaß noch in Fremantle und gute Heimreise. Gruß Steffi

Da Günther und ich an den kreativen Blog-Beiträgen bisher nicht aktiv teilgenommen haben, möchten wir es nicht versäumen zum Abschluss dieser gemeinsamen, interessanten und gelungenen Tour unserem "Guide" Gerhard herzlichen Dank zu sagen. Durch seine umsichtige und präzise Routenplanung und der ortsspezifisch angepassten Auswahl der Unterkünfte konnten wir die grandiose Natur Westaustraliens hautnah erleben und Kontakte zu den Einheimischen und Gleichgesinnten knüpfen. Als Teil unseres langjährig eingespielten Teams sind wir dankbar, dass wir diese außergewöhnliche Reise ohne gesundheitliche Einschränkungen in harmonischem Miteinander absolvieren konnten. Euch, liebe Freunde, nochmal danke für die schöne Zeit. Günther und Gisela