der Reizeblob
der Reizeblob


Publié: 05.05.2023

In the morning, I set out in search of a boat to take me to Yumani, a village on the southern part of Isla del Sol, because I have a reservation there. At first, everyone says that there is only a boat going there at noon. The third 'agency' agrees to drop me off on the way to Challapampa (northern part of the island).

Isla del Sol is picturesque. Significantly less garbage, no cars, and drinkable water.

My room has a view of the lake, and there are two donkeys grazing in the garden.

In Inca times, the island had spiritual significance, as evidenced by the Sun Temple very close to my accommodation.

Unfortunately, there are no information boards at the temple.

For lunch, I naturally eat Trucha (however, I don't get trout, but salmon instead, which is also good).

Through terraced fields, where you occasionally see farmers, I hike to the nearest summit, Palla Khasa. In the higher elevations, there are numerous donkeys, sheep, and occasional llamas grazing.

Below the summit, there is an old woman who desperately tries to sell me her homemade souvenirs. 'Llevate, llevate!' (Take it with you!) she repeats her mantra. I only have 1 Bov coin left, so I buy a patterned stone from her, the old lady calls it Caracol, she found it on the island itself.

At the top of the summit, there is a quirky ruin. There, I meet a dog who accompanies me down to the town center of Yumani.

In the evening, there is another Trucha menu; once again, salmon is served.


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