
Sherpa stairs in Tromsø and the way to Jøkelfjord

Publié: 09.09.2022

Today we started the day very active: Since we had to leave the campsite by one o'clock at the latest, we had to wake up shortly after seven. Not everyone was happy about that. Paul just grunted incomprehensibly and turned around, and Juliane mumbled 'Come on!' and stayed lying down.
We started shortly after eight - without Paul - and looked for the Sherpa stairs - anyone can ride a cable car! We managed the 1203 steps to Storsteinen in just under an hour and were rewarded with icy wind and light rain! The view was also great, but the weather god had no sympathy for us today - luckily we could reward ourselves with a hot shower.
After taking and giving water, we headed towards Alta. Along the way, as it should be, we also took the ferry twice and got stuck in Jøkelfjord. Along the way, we passed places that offer indescribably beautiful views when the clouds don't hang as low as they do today. But we finally saw our first reindeer. 
Now we are at the start of a hiking trail that is supposed to offer a great view of a glacier - pray with us that we will get a better view. 


Rapports de voyage Norvège