
By train to Hsipaw

Publié: 13.07.2019

The next morning, I had to get up really early because the train to Hsipaw was leaving at 4 am. I was expected to be on the train for about 12 hours for a distance of approximately 200km (but it took longer). I had a seat in the upper class, which meant I had padded seats, while the other carriages had wooden benches. I was very tired and had two seats to myself. While I was half asleep, we started moving, stopping at small villages behind Mandalay at about 20 km/h until the sun rose. It shimmered reddishly behind a few mountains. Finally, I could see something. The nature was naturally great. We passed through meadows and fields and green landscapes. Every time we arrived at a train station, vendors came and had all sorts of things like fruits, small snacks like nuts or pastries. In some train stations, we even stopped for a bit longer. There were stands where hot dishes were prepared. Since I didn't dare to eat any of it - I didn't want to risk any stomach issues towards the end of my trip - I stuck with my own snacks, although I would have loved to try the local delicacies. Eventually, we passed by the famous bridge - the Goteik Viaduct - which we crossed very slowly. From the window, I looked into the dizzying height. After all, the bridge is considered the highest railway trestle bridge in the world, according to Wikipedia at the time of its completion in 1900. But eventually, I got more and more tired and the journey seemed to drag on, so I was just glad when we finally arrived at around 6 pm, after 14 hours on the train. I had booked a hotel and took a taxi there. After a little refreshment, I was happy to do nothing and recover from the quite exhausting train ride.


Rapports de voyage Birmanie