

Publié: 21.10.2018

Welcome !

This here is my block ... uh, blog*.

I, Konrad, am doing a year abroad in Ghana. How it came about and the exact circumstances that led me here can be found in the next article.

In the coming months, I will write reports more or less regularly and publish them here. I have already written two reports that I am barely satisfied with. I tried to make the texts more sophisticated than the typical "Hey dear today we went out for ice cream" blog babble, but that didn't work out.

That's why this introductory text is like many other blogs. Maybe at some point during my stay here, I'll come up with a way to improve the blog, but until then, I'll continue to publish texts here, telling you what I'm experiencing here; I warned you - you're to blame if you realize after 50 words that you could have used the time to read a text message or something.

Furthermore, I am not clear about the formats that I want to present in this blog; however, I will strive to describe the whole thing as honestly as possible, without losing a certain sense of humor (as happened in the first two texts).

If you have any wishes, ideas, questions or feedback, please feel free to send them to me by email at notanotherblog@outlook.com

My blog is called 170ms, as the ping to European servers is about 170ms.

But what is a ping and why is it relevant?

"Ping is a diagnostic utility that can be used to check if a specific host in an IP network is reachable. In addition, most current implementations of this utility also provide the time interval between sending a packet to this host and receiving an immediate response packet in return (= Round Trip Time, usually referred to as RTT)."

Source: Wikipedia

This ping is relevant to me because I regularly have conversations with friends on TeamSpeak (a teleconference in the 21st century). Half of these 170ms is the time it takes for my voice to reach Germany.

*All rights to this wordplay referring to the song "Mein Block" by Sido belong to Linus, a friend of my fellow volunteer Lasse.

(https://vakantio.de/stayamused -this is Lasse's blog)

Have fun with two mediocre and hopefully soon more good texts wishes you


(Recommend this blog to others so I can become rich and famous.)


Rapports de voyage Ghana