
Faro do Cabo Raso

Publicado: 21.03.2022

Just before Lisbon, we stayed overnight at the Cabo Raso lighthouse because we liked the waves and it's not far from Lisbon.

We parked next to the lighthouse, next to a ruin, right above the water, and had an insanely good view of the roaring Atlantic.

In the afternoon, the sun was shining a bit, and we saw an older man nearby who seemed helpless, his car stuck in the sand.

I unpack the shovel, no help, I push, no help, I get others to push. Still, we can't make it. Finally, the steel cable from our bus has to be used. Another car pulls, and finally..... the man thanks us profusely (we don't understand a word) and hugs me.

For the rest of the day, we enjoy it close to the roaring surf.


Informes de viaje Portugal