
Who are we?

Published: 28.05.2024

We are Peter and Anja and live near Bern. We met in Wallis at our common passion - biking. One day, over a coffee last autumn, the idea arose: let's ride to the North Cape by bike. Yes, why not? Do we have so much free time to ride from Switzerland, luckily not ;-). As we are both extremely spontaneous and immediately enthusiastic, it didn't take long from the idea to a concrete plan. With a mountain bike? With a touring bike? Not really! There are these gravel bikes, a mix of road bike and mountain bike. Perfect, that's exactly it. The first thing we tried remained the only one and now stands in Anja's living room, named 'Rosi'. Any questions? The fact that we both have the same brand 'ROSE-BIKE' and even the same color (oh no how terrible - the only criterion: no couple bike!!) ultimately does not diminish the (pre)-joy.

The 'problem' with bike packing and being on the road with a gravel bike is, of course, the lack of storage space. Problem? Storage space? That's exactly what it shouldn't be. We simply limit ourselves to the essentials, throw off all the ballast - including in our minds - and start our adventure 'Cinnamon Roll Rally' through Northern Norway. If anyone wants to join us, just keep an eye on our blog. On July 5, 2024, we will board the night train north with our sky-blue bikes...

Answer (1)

Ich freue mich für Euch. Ich wünsche Euch ein interessante Zeit und allzeit gut Fahrt. Gruß Marianne