
The preparation

Published: 29.05.2024

What clothes should we take with us? What food supplies should we have? What route should we take? Can we manage over 2000 km in 4 weeks? How do we actually get there? How do we get back? Thousands of questions and, at first glance, only a few answers. It quickly becomes clear that we have to write things down, keep at it, think things over, weigh up options, leave things out, read, research...but all of that is part of the trip, that's what it's all about: discussing, thinking, fantasizing, giving up plans, replanning and, not forgetting, living out the anticipation.

In April we abandon our original plan of driving 2000 km from Trøndheim to the North Cape. Of course we would manage it, but do we really just want to rack up the miles? No, not at all. We want time to enjoy ourselves, time to pause, time to talk, time to eat, time to give the rain and wind time to disappear, time for sunshine, time to breathe, time for ourselves.

Now, almost a month before the start of our adventure, we have a concrete plan, a route, all the clothes, everything for the bike, everything sorted out at home. It feels good, a little nervous, but good.

July 5th to August 5th, 2024, travel by train to Bodø. We will have 1400 km ahead of us, some ferries, tunnels, breakdowns, headwinds, rain... but many more wonderful experiences. Our motto for the trip (a Norwegian proverb):

But the sky is always blue

Above the clouds the sky is always blue.

Let us always be optimistic, no matter what. Let us always see the sky. Let us just live each day.

Answer (1)

Hey, das klingt spannend! Viel Spass, keine Defekte oder Unfälle und wenig Mücken wünsch ich euch. Grüsst mir das Nordkap. Darüber hab ich als 50-gi Projekt auch nachgedacht.