
Missing Colors

Published: 29.07.2024

The rain washed all the colors out of the landscape overnight. The rain has been drumming against the windows all night. Eyes closed, just keep sleeping. We reluctantly delay our check-out until 11:55 AM, leaving our dry mini-house in Olderfjord in full rain gear. Off into the rain along the E6... Driving in the rain isn't really a problem. The biggest struggle we face is with the missing colors, the red houses no longer glow, the sea and sky are uniformly gray. It's not fun to stop anywhere to admire the landscape, take photos, or even sit down somewhere. The only color is Peter's bright red rain jacket. Wild camping has been put on hold for now. Our two only goals are the supermarket after 31 kilometers and a campsite with cabins after 50 kilometers (380 meters of elevation) at the Stabbursdalen Resort. This time, there is even a kitchen in the cabin, and we try our hand at Norwegian sausages. Not bad at all. It's interesting how our bodies signal what they need after the daily exertions. Anja has had an appetite for cheese and blueberry jam for the past few weeks and has devoured an enormous amount of it. Peter, on the other hand, has always had a strong craving for bread and sweet baked goods. But today it absolutely had to be these greasy, salty sausages and of course a rain chocolate as a comfort treat. Shopping should really be planned carefully when traveling with light luggage like us. Today there was a store at 50 kilometers and zero restaurants or anything similar. It looks gloomy outside, still raining now and then. We head to the river delta and admire the vast expanse and the many paths the river takes to the sea. But it’s not really cozy at 12 degrees and with a mosquito plague either. So back into the little house with the nice sky-blue interior and the bunk bed. We reflect on the last 25 days, about the incredible gift we had with this wonderful weather and hope for more nice days to say goodbye to this uniquely beautiful country. We remind ourselves of our motto for this trip: 'bak skyene er himmelen alltid blå - above the clouds, the sky is always blue.' It fits perfectly with the interior of the house. Peter is a bit closer to heaven, he sleeps upstairs, but it will surely be blue for both of us - even if only behind the clouds.