
Cooking by Weather App

Published: 11.07.2024

Life up here in the north once again wants to show us how small we really are, how we deceive ourselves with weather apps, plans, anticipation of a sunny breakfast with self-collected blueberries. Yes, we even become dependent on the feeling that everything will go as planned. The plan went completely wrong. It has been pouring rain since early morning with no end in sight, according to the weather app. We are lying in the tent, counting the raindrops, maybe there are a few less and the rain will stop? Of course, shortly after, it gives it all again. We can't pack up the tent like this. We continue to wait, doze off again, and wait again. Anja gets cabin fever just before eleven, she needs to get up, needs fresh air to breathe. Miraculously, the rain stops at that moment. Immediately pack everything up and drive off. Without coffee and food, we rush off along the fjord, which shimmered in the most beautiful colors yesterday, on the less traveled 815 heading towards the Gimsøya Peninsula. The rain clouds hang low, but fortunately there is little traffic. The landscape stretches endlessly, on the right the rugged cliffs reach up, or let's say into the low-hanging clouds, on the left a green moorland with colorful flowers and grasses. We have the road almost to ourselves. An incredible feeling to feel the elements like this. The cold drizzle on the face is like a rejuvenation, it renews not only the skin but also something deep inside us. We are so small in this landscape, an incredibly liberating feeling, all constraints, weather apps, and black-and-white plans are gone. The rough coast of the Gimsøya Peninsula with its kitschy red houses, the smell of salt and fish make us forget everything, well, except for hunger. Up here, the opportunities are not as abundant as at home, but since we don't carry many supplies, we have to stop everywhere to eat and drink. Suddenly, in the middle of nowhere, there is an old-fashioned convenience store with a sign that says 24/7. Yeah sure, definitely 24/7. And once again on this day, we were shown that life up here has its own rules. The old store 24/7 turns out to be a self-scanning super-tech store. Oh, so cool. Entry is made with a credit card. We buy more than we can carry and cook a delicious Norwegian canned stew and fresh, still warm bread right at the store. A treat on this rainy day. For the second time today, we eat in unusual places, the first time in a disused bus stop and then at the store. We have learned the lesson with the weather app and adapt to the circumstances and live with and according to the conditions of the north. We eat when it rains and drive when it's nice, that's roughly our plan. But wait, we wanted to stop planning... This evening, we drive 58 kilometers/460 meters uphill and camp at a campsite near Henningsvær fjord with a shower and washing machine. It's almost midnight and the sun breaks through the rain clouds. That promises... well, let's wait and see... according to the weather app... Put on the sleep mask and look forward to the next day, no matter what the weather is like.
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Weiterhin Viel Spaß wünscht Vati !

Herzlichen Dank für die tollen Bilder und den unterhaltsamen Blog! Man fühlt sich als wäre man dabei 🤣. Warte jeden Tag gespannt auf die Fortsetzung. Weiterhin viel Spass und trockenes Wetter. Lieben Grüsse Beatrice