von wilder welt und wanderlust

von wilder welt und wanderlust


Flight MH 129, scheduled time 19:15, delay 2.5 hours

..as I set out to pick up Leo - Insights into a second home

Ostern im Herbst

Ostern allein unter Weinblättern - nicht ganz festlich, aber dafür herbstlich

Part 2 of the story so far

illegal nights in Sydney, love in Port Stephens, and a fervent change of plans

What happened so far

relaxed surfer boys, a magnificent New Year's Eve, and cold nights in the blue mountains - Part one ...

Tropical Impressions

Waterfalls, Crocs & Green - What I've seen in the wet tropics

a little flashback

About three months ago, the adventure in Australia really started for me - full of wanderlust, butte...