Published: 22.12.2023
Two days before Christmas Eve 2023. In the Gospel, the star leads the wise men from the East to the birthplace of Jesus. The star embodies light and hope.
Often overlooked but very interesting: the starfish in the sea. Many different shapes can be found. Starfish that look like pillows or footballs.
Some have thorns, others are smooth with beautiful patterns.
Starfish are animals, and that raises the question: Where is the head and where is the body?
It is astonishing that a clarification of the question has only recently taken place this year:
In fact, the “switched on” DNA sequences for the brain can be found throughout the starfish. Seen in this way, starfish only consist of one head!
Furthermore, starfish have visual receptors everywhere and can therefore perceive and see differences in light.
You can clearly see this in the bright dots in the next photo.
When we humans look closely ourselves, we discover things that make creation and evolution even more exciting.
The hope remains for Christmas 2023 that people will look closely and take the right path in the future for the good of the world.
Blessed Christmas 2023!