
Goodbye Norway - hello Sweden (Day 125 out of 365 days off)

Published: 03.08.2020

After the two days of summer, (once again) the rain and the temperature drop came, because at 9 to max. 12 °C, with constant rain and wind, it continued today (Monday 3.8.2020) - and that to Sweden!

Originally, we planned to drive to the Lofoten Islands or Tromsø, but that would have been at least another 1,200 km north from Trondheim (to Tromsø, including the Lofoten Islands, about 1,700 km) and then we would have to go all the way back 😳

But we gladly admit that the unstable and rather cool summer weather got on our nerves a bit 🤪 For the coming week(s) it should stay like this and so we thought about saving these regions of Norway for a later point in our lives 😉

In any case, we have come to love the full beauty of Norway's landscapes! What didn't appeal to us so much were the campsites, which often resemble parking spaces, and the Norwegians themselves didn't seem very friendly to us either (they hardly ever say thank you when you let them pass on the road, let them go first, or even drive to the side to let them pass! In general, the slower one just has bad luck, or "me first")

Anyway, now we are in Sweden, with about 10 °C, wind and rain. It feels like a mild winter in Hamburg, only that it's actually August 🥴

The campsite where we are staying today is located directly by a river, in close (audible) proximity to a waterfall, where you can take a nice (partially muddy) walk, which we did in the early evening. Triene was thrilled and jumped around like a young puppy 👍

For the middle/end of the week we should (hopefully!) get warmer 😎

We'll keep you updated...

P.S. 1: It wasn't until shortly before Trondheim that we saw our first moose warning sign, but we haven't seen a moose yet.

P.S. 2: Until three days ago, I didn't have a single mosquito bite, but since the warm days I have at least twenty nasty, tormenting ones on my legs 😟

Answer (1)

Hej her, hast Du die tollen Pflaster ausprobiert??? Taugen die was? Nun ja auch die Schweden sind nicht gerade Weltoffen, auch wenn es immer den Anschein macht. Das es Triene gefällt kann man sich vorstellen, das sind mindestens 10 Hundebildzeitungen. Hoffe die Sonne ist mit Euch.

Travel reports Sweden