
Tag 289 - Searching for illuminating plankton with Peter & Jenny

Published: 07.01.2022

Hello everyone!

Today, Peter & Jenny visited us and we were really excited to see them ☺️ When we woke up in the morning, we already had a message on our phone: they were already on their way ☺️ They arrived on the island and were able to check in at their hotel. A little later, we met at the same bay where we were yesterday. We really wanted to show them this place ☺️ When we arrived there, they were already waiting for us and the joy of seeing each other again was really great! We chatted, laughed, talked about our experiences in the meantime, walked on the sandbank, and swam in the cool water. At around 3 pm, we all went back to our accommodations, took a shower, and met in the small village around 4 pm to have something to eat. We went to the same restaurant as yesterday - they make really great pizzas! Of course, Mexican food is great, but everyone was happy to have a change ☺️ After that, we bought a few things and headed back to the bay. We really wanted to take some great photos, watch the sunset, and then wait for the glowing water. We arrived there shortly after 6 pm and watched the sunset. Then it was time to wait. Wait until it was dark enough to make the plankton glow. We saw so many stars and could even see the Milky Way! Just as we were sitting comfortably on the pier, Peter saw something reflecting in the water. He said it was a crocodile. I had never heard of saltwater crocodiles before and made fun of it. Somehow, it was clear... dark, unknown waters, warning signs on the way there - the mind likes to play tricks. Peter and I went to take a closer look. And indeed! A crocodile right on the beach! It got scared of us and jumped back into the water with a huge leap. We ran back to the pier and assumed we would be safe there. But it wasn't really cozy anymore and by now, we also suspected that we were in the wrong place for the plankton. We packed our things, turned on the lamps, and headed back. After about five minutes, two buggies filled with tourists suddenly came towards us. We shouted to them if they were going to the plankton and one of the guests answered "yes". Since we hadn't gotten far yet and now more people were there, we decided to turn around. Back at the pier, there were suddenly a lot of people in the water, swirling around with their arms and legs. We watched the scene for a moment and then we saw it! Although only faintly, it happened! The plankton reacted! It was only slight and too weak for a photo, but we saw it ☺️ Like small, glowing stars in the water, as if someone was illuminating each drop. It wasn't to the extent we had hoped for, but now we could walk towards our accommodation with satisfaction. The way back was still really funny because we were all accompanied by the thought of the crocodile and were very jumpy. After a little more than half, our paths separated, but when we got back to our temporary four walls, we briefly messaged each other: everyone had arrived safely ☺️ Tomorrow our paths will separate again. Peter and Jenny will stay on Holbox for a few more days and we will continue our journey. You will find out more about that tomorrow 😉 It's now 11 pm and we will be back with the pictures from today's day in the next blog post ☺️
Till then!

Travel reports Mexico