
Icy conclusion

Published: 02.08.2024

I am now writing what is probably the last blog post from this vacation and, on one hand, I am already mourning the time, while on the other hand, there is already a firm intention to drive back up to the north next year. We have certainly experienced a lot and enjoyed the time, but there is so much more on our list. Cooking outdoors, chopping wood with an axe, exploring Norway's waterfalls, experiencing much more nature, etc.

The free parking spot on the north shore of Vänern was quite idyllic at first, especially since it is not listed on Park4Night. However, it is quite well-known among locals, as it filled up significantly by evening. Every available gap between two motorhomes was squeezed in with another car, and by the end, we were lined up like a can of sardines. With great effort, we managed to get the doors of the rear garage open just a crack to stow our equipment. So we set off again fairly early and snagged a very nice campsite on Mösseberg. The area between Vänern and Vättern is a table mountain with a wonderful view. We stood there in full sun and treated ourselves to ice cream for the first time before we took a round over the campsite. There is even a large area where it seems there is a sport like frisbee golf. Baskets were everywhere, where you have to land the frisbee from the tee-off point. It was new to us, but quite amusing to watch.

Yesterday, we then drove further south. The first stop wasn’t very appealing, so we continued on to Höör. After a remarkable 311km, we arrived at Jägersbo Camping. This site was the first place after the ferry during our first motorhome trip in 2019. Now it is the last place for us this year before the ferry. Over the past 5 years, the site has expanded significantly, but it is incredibly beautiful here. Rabbits, storks, wagtails, sparrows, seagulls... there's so much to observe. And the quiet is a blessing! In a few days, everyday life will return, and the hamster wheel will start turning again. So we enjoy the last hours here in the sun, with ice cream (the ice cream parlor has about 40 different flavors and 20 free toppings to add anytime!), grilling in the evening, and PEACE. Tomorrow we go on the ferry and then straight back home. It’s a pity, time went by much too quickly, but it was incredibly beautiful! Dreamy!!!

See you next year

Answer (2)

Ihr könnt ja schon mal für nächstes Jahr die Fähre buchen. Da ist es immer günstiger wenn man zeitig bucht. Die Hauptsache, es war ein schöner Urlaub und ihr konntet ihn in vollen Zügen genießen. So klang es jedenfalls. Und nun eine gute Heimreise. Ich habe jeden einzelnen Eintrag gelesen - ich schwöre:-)

Kommt die letzten paar Kilometer noch gut durch und zu Hause an

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