
Easter eggs...

Published: 01.05.2020

...are nowhere to be found in Suzhou. Normally, we don't eat much sweets, but as Easter approached, the sweet craving for chocolate eggs came up. Unlike Christmas, Easter is not at all present here. During Christmas, you can see Christmas decorations everywhere, Christmas trees, there was even a temporary Lindt stand at one of the supermarkets. But Easter goes completely unnoticed here, unless you happen to look at the European calendar - just like our chocolate eggs, which we unfortunately couldn't find anywhere. So, we ended up replacing the chocolate eggs with apple pie and tea and had a little Easter Sunday picnic with a walk.

At least this way, we got a little holiday or Sunday mood :-)

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Osterhasen sind (nachträglich) unterwegs. 🐇 Hoffentlich klappt es dieses Mal mit dem Paket.