
28.08.2021 - 11.09.2021: Noteworthy from the first two weeks: Dominican Republic

Published: 10.09.2021

5.9.2021 Invitation from the hotel to a promotional event

On Sunday morning, we were invited by the hotel to a presentation. The goal was simply to sell us a hotel membership for $24,000 (20 years). We politely declined. However, Dirk had to use the restroom in this upscale part of the hotel (private club) and promptly came back with the broken door handle. The personal assistant seemed more embarrassed than Dirk.

5.9.2021 Romantic dinner on the beach

That was truly an experience and very beautiful. A four-course meal on the beach. Salmon carpaccio after a delicious amuse-bouche and then surf and turf. And to finish, a tarte madeleine. Truly a delight.

In the first week

Excitement right from the start. Dirk's phone inexplicably broke (motherboard). Off to the phone shop in Punta Cana. Irreparable. Great, no more backup possible. Dirk buys a new iPhone 8 Plus and painstakingly installs all the apps by hand. The banking apps are causing stress, but with the support of UBS, it works. Thank you very much. On the first day after the purchase, the newly acquired phone also seems to be broken. So, off to Techpoint in Punta Cana again (costs 50 euros for the taxi each time). The shop was supposed to be open according to the information, but it was closed. It's dark in the taxi and Dirk realizes that the brightness was simply set to 0, but then you really can't see much on the display. Especially not on the beach. Stress for nothing, once again.

In the second week

Now our credit card company is causing stress. We transferred a larger amount of money for the vacation (debit balance) and now they believe that we want to launder money. Therefore, the card should be blocked. After extensive phone and email communication, fortunately, the situation calms down without us having to involve our lawyer Denis.

Answer (1)

Tönt gut für die Reise aber mühsam mit den Problemen. Wegen Kartensperrung und Geldwöscherei sind halt wieder mal die Amis dahinter 🤔

Dominican Republic
Travel reports Dominican Republic