
Cycling to the North Cape and back in 2021.

Published: 12.06.2020

North Cape: INTRO
Status: Announcement
Start: 2021 - April - 01

Man has three ways to act wisely:
Firstly, by thinking, which is the noblest.
Secondly, by imitation, which is the easiest.
Thirdly, by experience, which is the bitterest.


This journey is meant to be a true 'experience' (by bike) in every sense of the word.

It is currently being prepared.

The start can only be in spring 2021, as this year the problems cannot be solved due to the corona restrictions. The time is already far advanced - and snowfall in the far north is not an option.

The starting point next year will be the city of Nuremberg.
The route is intentionally planned off the major highways, campsites and larger towns will be avoided as much as possible. Only grocery shopping is necessary.

Goal: Always be where others are not.
        Solitude - or rather: All-Oneness.

This will largely be an 'atypical' experience, both in terms of the journey itself and this blog.
This will definitely not be a classic travel report, but rather a journey towards the inner: Into the unknown, towards the border...

But see for yourself what is to come.

Greetings for now
from the 'Phoenix from the Ashes'

Answer (2)

Klingt vielversprechend. Bin gespannt ...

Ich glaube das ist jetzt sehr wichtig und ein guter Weg bittere Erfahrungen erst einmal zu verdauen und verarbeiten!! Super!

Travel reports Finland