On the road again
On the road again


Published: 22.10.2018

22.10.2018 13days at billabong sanctuary

Last day

With my cookies in my bag I waited for Dave to pick me up. The Morning started with the usual cleaning and raking.

At the morning coffee break I brought out my bag of cookies and immediately raised the morale of everybody. Though I had brought a pretty big bag I was glad that I had a second one for the kitchen because the cookies were disappearing quickly.

I brought the second one to the kitchen and they were also very happy with it.😁

I shortly helped out with the bird enclosures before I went to the mammals show to get my very own picture with a wombat.

His name was Ruben and he was very heavy and you were also able to really feel all the muscle he had.

Next I helped out with the reptile show, which is basically my favorite show. I got to hold Duke the blackheaded Python and give him to people to hold and for pictures.

After Lunch I quickly helped out in Food prep and then started collecting all the trash. Because of that I sadly missed the dingo talk. But Ranger Elyse just gave me the keys and I was able to get in and cuddle with the dingos.😊

I said goodbye to the Rangers that were already leaving early. I helped out with the afternoon reptile show as well and was able to get a picture with the big python too.

Then I said goodbye to everyone else and made my way back with Dave. The day went by quick.

Tomorrow I have a free day before I head to Hong Kong Wednesday evening.

Answer (1)

Hoi Nick, Wat een mooie foto's, die grote Wombat is Ruben zeker, wel een zwaar beest, en met die slangen zijn ook mooi vooral die grote, lijkt me wel glibberig in je nek. Fijn dat ze de koekjes lekker vonden. Geniet van je vlucht naar Hongkong toch weer spannend. goede reis en een dikke kus Bompa en Oma.