
Tag 4-Brandenburg to Burg

Published: 23.05.2021

Sunday, May 23, 2021,

61 km, 3 locks

Today we are continuing to Magdeburg, now with three of us, that's the plan. Shortly after Brandenburg, we left the beautiful Havel River and continued on the Elbe-Havel Canal towards the northeast. The beautiful tourist boats were gone, now we mainly encounter commercial boats, surprisingly many of them carrying scrap. Going through locks is more exciting now, especially when accompanied by two large tugboats, it gives an adrenaline rush. And at the Zerben lock, we also had nice support from the local police, as we docked too early and it was like an event card in Monopoly, pay €35 to the police, it was a violation. Well, that took quite a while and we didn't reach the planned harbor anymore, so we had to dock at an empty spot in Burg for the night.
It was too late to cook, but there was an Italian restaurant in town that delivered food to our ship. After that, we played a few rounds of Skat and went to bed, we want to leave early tomorrow to make up for the lost time today, let's see if that works out.
