
No Humba in Humahuaca

Published: 26.11.2018

Tuesday turned out to be a bit different than expected. We had booked another tour, this time to the north to Humahuaca. However, the tour turned out to be mediocre at best. It started with the fact that smelly French people (not to be misunderstood, they were indeed from France) sat behind us on the bus.

This time, the guide could even speak English ("Yes!"), although he spoke so monotonously that for the first 20 minutes I thought the audio was prerecorded. Furthermore, he went into so much detail that we even discussed the origin of life on Earth! 🙄😴

The first stop in Purmamarca was the highlight! From the backdrop of the small village, we could see "Cerro de los Siete Colores", the 7-colored mountains of the Andes. You have to imagine that there are not even paved roads there.

We continued on similar conditions - even crossing a small river - to the next stop in Pucará de Tilcara, a ruin of the Tilcara Indians. There was also a cactus garden there, but here we felt really rushed by the guide for the first time. 😠 Well, we didn't come last to the bus... whistle 😙 🎶 Our destination was Humahuaca, where another guide was brought onto the bus, who ultimately only wanted to take even more money from the tourists, especially since he only spoke Spanish and 3/4 of the group couldn't understand him. When we were all sent to a restaurant and nobody understood why, Juli had enough and asked for an explanation and translated it for everyone into English. After that, half of the group stood up and opted out of the standardized meal. 💪🏻👏🏻😃

So after a short visit to the unspectacular village, we went to a small restaurant where we tried the specialty of the house: llama 🦙 - Very delicious!!! 😋We will just take the positive aspects from the tour.

Travel reports Argentina