
Farewell of the two girls from Überlingen.

Published: 13.10.2018


At 11 am, the two girls and I were supposed to meet at their beloved coffee bar. However, Google Maps led us somewhere else entirely. Oh well. We chose the nearest restaurant, had lunch, and talked some more. In the end, we said goodbye. They were flying to Singapore. I went back to the hostel. I felt tired. All this walking every day was a bit draining. I spent the afternoon in bed, watching series and thoroughly enjoying it. At around 5 pm, I sat back at the table and wrote my blog. Accomplishing tasks is so fulfilling!

In the evening, we went to the market for dinner. I had a super delicious burger with bacon. Afterwards, I wandered around the area and ended up getting around 15 bananas for 0.30 euros. Unfortunately, they were a bit mushy. Back at the hostel, I uploaded the videos for the blog. I ended up having a conversation with a Polish woman. She recommended that I visit Penang in Malaysia, which was also on my plans. And she shared her fruit salad with me. Awesome!


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