Published: 01.08.2016
The cable car took us up to Ämpächli at almost 1500 meters.
A mix of Disneyland and Hockenheim Ring. Although the gold panning station immediately awakened Andrés gold digger instinct, we had to go. First we went up through the giant forest, past great resting places with barbecue facilities. Of course, we didn't miss this and grilled our first sausage of the season over an open fire.
Admittedly, the path to this point was not particularly demanding, André soon complained about the lack of challenge. Well, this changed suddenly after the giant forest. In a steep zigzag course, we climbed up meter by meter.
After about an hour, there was still no sign of Chüebodensee, was it even drained in the end? And even worse: Judging by the name, one had to assume that there must be cows there - they had to go up this path too and certainly didn't hesitate. But the path was quite tricky...
After about one and a half hours, we finally reached our destination, Lake Chüebodensee at 2046 meters above sea level.
Visibly marked by the hardships, unfortunately it was not enough for a longer break, as we should not make the same mistake of being too late as we did on the Glattalp. Nevertheless, the efforts paid off.
Elm, now we not only know you and the Elmer Citro - no, the Kühtrack to Chüebodensee is no longer unknown to us.