
The first days in Georgia

Published: 30.03.2018

Hello everyone, since my blog still exists, I thought I could use it again during my time here in Georgia. It is much easier to upload the pictures here than to send them to everyone. I won't write much. Hopefully Lorenz and I will remember what happened during the two weeks to tell you when we're back home. But there will already be a rough overview.
In Memmingen, we both flew off on the evening of the 27th and arrived at the hostel in Kutaisi at half past four in the morning. Accordingly, we didn't do much on our first day in Georgia. We limited ourselves to the city, and half a day was just right for that. On the second day, we started right away. With Marschrutka - those are small minibuses used as transportation - we went out to the countryside to visit the Okatse Canyon. We met many nice people along the way, I was able to use my 20 Russian words, and Lorenz lost and found his wallet. Everything was topped off with very good Georgian food. Now we are on our way to Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, where we will have the next set of pictures.


Travel reports Georgia