Wolfgangs Spezialreisen - Georgien2024
Wolfgangs Spezialreisen - Georgien2024

Sighnaghi - picturesque and touristy

Published: 03.06.2024

Tuesday, May 28th, 2024 Day 3 of 13. Today we headed back to the east of the country with the bus packed with bags and suitcases to Sighnaghi, a picturesque high-altitude town with a medieval flair and city fortifications. It lies between inner and outer Kakheti. This beautiful place was to be the starting point for further excursions. On the way, the green, hilly grasslands turned into wooded low mountain landscapes. During a break, we enjoyed fresh Georgian wheat bread straight from the oven - a real treat. It is shaped like a boomerang because it is also baked on a round stone. The botanical wealth reveals itself at every stop and especially on the slopes of Sighnaghi. We climb the old city wall that runs far around the city over the mountain and admire the distant view, which unfortunately is not very clearly visible today. It is very hazy and the humidity prevents us from seeing far away. It is summery warm and we enjoy the view and the atmosphere on the terrace of a restaurant and spend the afternoon there in a cheerful mood. House martins circle around, hunting for insects. A red-backed shrike is also spotted. We spend the evening at a large table in one of the numerous wine bars. We really enjoy the wine and some very spicy dishes. The strong Saperavi is becoming our favorite. We stock up on provisions for tomorrow's day trip.


Travel reports Georgia