
San Gil III Diving

Published: 07.04.2024

Day 29

San Andres

For today, Till and I decided to take a look at the island from below. We were picked up in the early afternoon and went diving with an American and our three-person boat crew. A very pleasant group size. After 5 years, a refresher course would actually be recommended, but that is not something that is given much importance here, even though it was written that the last dive should have been 8 months ago. I have to admit that a refresher course would have been completely over the top; a good YouTube video is completely sufficient. I was pleasantly surprised at how well the pressure equalization worked on the first dive after such a long time and how quickly you get back into it. With over 50 minutes on each of our two dives, we also had a good diving time. After the corals were still very bleached 6 months ago due to the heat in the sea, we found a very lively coral reef with a colorful variety of fish. We saw moray eels, lion fish, flounders and lots of sea (haha). Both diving spots were really beautiful and extended over very long distances, but only to a comfortable depth of 23 meters. Exhausted, we went back to the finca, where Marius had meanwhile arrived and, more importantly, a super delicious pizza was waiting for us in the evening.
