
First impressions from La Palma

Published: 09.04.2022

We used our first days in La Palma for several trips. In the capital Santa Cruz, in the east of the island, we strolled comfortably through the city center. Unfortunately, on the first day of our trip, a part of Karo's wheelchair broke, it had to happen. But resourceful as we are, we simply 'repaired' the part with duct tape. It is still surprisingly holding up so far. Tazacorte has a beautiful beach where we often spend time. The volcano in the southwest of the island is also impressive, with small plumes of smoke still rising above it. We will definitely drive closer soon to take a closer look at the dried lava flows that lead to the sea.

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Bisher noch keine Rechtschreibfehler entdeckt. Weiter so!

Schöne Sache, Harry! Schöne Sache!