
The last 2 (?) weeks

Published: 16.02.2024

First of all, I'm sorry it took so long for a new post to come out, but not much interesting happened at first and then I just didn't feel like doing it sooo... whatever

During the normal school week, not much interesting really happened, it usually went like this: school was over, then I went to some small place with a few friends (sometimes the mall, sometimes Subway, sometimes Tim Hortons, etc.) and after that Went home and chilled. However, a lot happened last weekend. On Friday I wanted to do something, but at first I didn't know what, but then I decided relatively spontaneously to go to the cinema. So I went to see “The Beekeeper” in the cinema with two friends. The film was great and afterwards we went back home when the outside temperature was 4 degrees and I walked around in a T-shirt (dad didn't think it was that funny afterwards when I told him, but that doesn't matter because he can't stop me) and Then a thought came to me. For years I've always wanted to go to a real arcade (a place with lots of video game and pinball machines) but as far as I know, they do NOT exist in this form in Germany. So I googled it and it turns out there is actually an arcade in Victoria, which of course I want to go to the next day and after some convincing I have it at Yuma. We decided that too. BTW you can see the stars much better here at night than in Hamburg so I went again to a viewing point at night and took a photo. So the next day (and a second time on Tuesday) I went to the ARcade and it was just as great as I always imagined, but it burns money relatively quickly (around $20 CAD, for one to two hours ) Those were both really fun evenings and not much has happened since then, but starting tomorrow I have a 4 day weekend so I'll have enough to report.

Ps. I've continued to like videos and I'll make a post in the next few days with a link that leads to a private YouTube playlist where you can see all these videos, but it takes a while to do everything and I'm still at the moment didn't get around to it)

Until the next post (it will come, but don't be surprised if it takes a while)

Answer (1)

Was ist eigentlich mit den Gasteltern? Machen die gar nichts mit Euch?

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