
Samsun - Trabzon

Published: 12.10.2024

Good morning from Samsun!

I woke up when the 40-ton truck carrying flat steel sheets passed through my bedroom on its way from Azerbaijan to Bottrop. Perhaps it was also the trailer truck in front of it carrying Spax screws in tin boxes from Georgia that jolted me from my dreams. After all, the earplugs had done a great job up to this point, allowing me to sleep well despite the admittedly immense noise level. Leaving our home, I enjoyed the other side of our parking spot in the truest sense of the word. The sun had already risen over the Black Sea, bathing the harbor basin in a wonderful yellow-orange.

I took advantage of the good facilities for another haircut followed by a hot shower. Upon returning to the Benz, I was greeted by the smell of coffee and my colleague from Bonn followed me closely, also with a coffee cup in hand. A conversation developed, especially with Kadir, about economic factors, inflation rate, and the gross domestic product of Turkey. I settled into my coffee and enjoyed the warming sun on my face. The two also discussed the pros and cons of the premium version of

Answer (4)



Schön, dass ihr diese bierselige Schnapsidee umgesetzt habt und wir auf diese Weise daran teilhaben dürfen. Grüße aus dem Rheinland.

Hui! Ganz, ganz herzlichen Dank für die Blumen🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Travel reports Turkey