

Published: 21.10.2024

Greetings from Istanbul!

Both Asklepios and Jupiter did not seem particularly favorable towards us. It was pouring buckets in the Asian part of Istanbul, where we had rented an apartment. Furthermore, I noticed already in the morning that I obviously needed to slow down. I was quite exhausted, and it wasn't just due to the approximately 1.7 liters of blood that these creatures drained from me last night. It was like dealing with a nine-headed snake. One killed mosquito brought dozens more to life.
Suddenly, the clouds parted and revealed the sun. Very pleasantly warm, if it weren't for the wind.

We agreed that today we would move at my current pace on the European side of Istanbul. If it gets too difficult for me, I'll just sit it out in a café and eat all their baklava. Fortunately, my appetite is not affected at all. Dr. Aksöy asked me directly about it yesterday, which suggests that this symptom can also occur with shingles.

To cross the Bosporus, we took one of the ferries at the dock in Kadiköy. We were familiar with the area from our visit to


Travel reports Turkey